Get More Clients From Linkedin

Get More Clients from LinkedIn Using this one Unique Technique

This is an era of freelancing where people have the dream to become their own boss. Being a LinkedIn Influencer I always guide my followers to get more clients from LinkedIn.

It’s one of the biggest professional networks where you can achieve what you always had in your mind.

Making money as a freelancer can be hard because there are millions of people doing the same thing as you do. To attract more people, you need a technique which can work every time.

Well, if you’re thinking about any magic trick then you’re going to get disappointed. This is a practical world and you need to learn a lot.

In this article, you will come to know about a special gesture using which, you will get more clients from LinkedIn.

Start With the Proper Use of LinkedIn

First of all, you should understand that LinkedIn is a professional network, don’t confuse it with Facebook and Twitter.

There are some tips for a professional LinkedIn profile which will help you make a better personal brand of yours.

You may have seen many people updating about the fake job vacancies and getting thousands of likes. Well, no doubt that unemployment is everywhere.

It’s not about any particular country. The point is that you should never update any fake status.

Update something only if you know what you’re doing. LinkedIn is more about connecting with each other. Have you ever thought about something for which, LinkedIn is known?

That’s connecting with the influencers.

Never miss a single chance to connect with a person whose profile reflects his/her work.

What’s that Special Technique You Have Been Waiting For

Before that, let me ask you something. What do you do when you seek for the solutions to any of your problems?

The first thing is to approach someone who is smart enough to clear your doubts. And when you find out that your LinkedIn profile is there to find that person, you always look for that.

What if you find someone providing his/her professional help for free?

That’s what I am talking about. If you want to build the trust in your followers’ eyes, you should regularly update a status to help them for free.

I do that every possible Monday. If I miss Monday, I choose any other day but I never miss to help my followers and that’s why I gained 2000 LinkedIn followers in a few months.

Let me show you an example.

LinkedIn help

People may not comment openly but they will reach you through direct messages or an email address if you have provided it.

You can get more client from LinkedIn by showing this kind gesture.

People appreciate such upfront approach. In this era of fake people, there are only a few people who have the courage to help others for free.

You may be wondering as if how would you get clients if you provide your help for free.

Well, think practically. Only the suggestions can be given for free. You can’t guide anyone to design their website. It requires technical skills and only a web designer can do that.

Learn to convert your followers into your clients.

I have been using LinkedIn for years and this is the best platform to build your personal brand and establishing yourself as a successful freelancer.

How will you Get the Response to Your Status

As I have mentioned earlier, not everyone is comfortable to ask the questions publicly. Most of them send a private message.

And you may be wondering as if what’s so special about such text status where everyone is claiming that visual content gets more exposure?

I am breaking this myth today.

On LinkedIn, the text status gets the exposure nothing can. Let me show you an example.

Within one day, the total reach is more than 13,000 in one day.

And the number of messages you can get is uncountable. People will message to share their problems related to their websites, SEO, writing skills and what not.

Let me show the list of my own messages.

The list goes on and on. If you know how to show your skills, you will definitely get more clients from LinkedIn.

The free help turns out to be a project and you know what happens after that. But make sure, you keep every transparent.

NOTE: Don’t ever try to manipulate anyone. Guide your followers in the right direction.

Building the trust is the biggest achievement.

Are You Ready to Get More Clients from LinkedIn With this Trick

I wouldn’t say it as a trick. It’s only for the kindhearted people who know how it feels when they have no one to help them.

I have struggled in my starting days when no one was there to help me.

I understand how it feels when someone helps during a hard time. And if you can be that person for your LinkedIn followers, nothing can stop you.

You will surely get more clients from LinkedIn. Though everything isn’t dependent on this technique, your skills matter a lot.

I hope you can rock with it and build a successful career. if you have any doubt, feel free to ask.

You can also connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    These are awesome tricks to find some loyal clients from Linkedin. The way you have shown to find clients on Linkedin will help lots of freelancer who are looking for some serious clients.

    I’ve got myself two big clients for the company I used to work in my previous company.

    Linkedin is a gold mine if use it right and who knows is better than you. ?

    – Umesh Singh

    1. Hey Umesh,

      I have always been into LinkedIn and it’s bringing the glory I think about. It’s good to know that LinkedIn has also helped your company to get a few clients.

      Keep going and build your own brand.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Hell, Ravi!

    Best example!

    Totally the best!

    I am inspired by you, buddy!

    You’re the go-to person to learn the good side of LinkedIn!

    Let me try your proven steps and hopefully, I could do some good. ?

    Thank you again!

    ~ Adeel

  3. Hey Ravi,

    Thanks for your proven tips & tricks!

    You proved that LinkedIn is the best professional platform to get many loyal followers and even many clients. I noticed most people don’t give importance to social media (LinkedIn, Twitter) and try hard day and night to get freelancing work from sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

    Many people also failed to maintain these regularly. I impressed from how do you maintain LinkedIn & Twitter regularly and consistently. Currently, I’m able not to focus on these two LinkedIn and Twitter because of lack of time.

    But I will surely try your proved tricks and steps to get some good results for me.

    Thanks again


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